Monday, January 27, 2014

Week of 1/27-2/2: Develops - Wisdom for New Lives

Day Three: Ecc. 12:13-14 When all has been heard, the conclusion of the matter is: fear God and keep His commands, because this is for all humanity. For God will bring every act to judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil.
Song of Songs 6:3 I am my love’s and my love is mine.

If you were to poll elementary aged boys about their life ambitions, this would more than likely be the most common response. Boys dream of growing up and becoming famous athletes. They imagine a life full of big money, tons of accolades, and a beautiful spouse. Being a pro athlete appears to provide the best that life has to offer.
But does reality mirror this pristine picture? Are professional athletes really the happiest people in the world? According to an article printed by Sports Illustrated in 2009, the answer to both of these questions is a resounding “NO!” The following statements were printed in that article:
* By the time they have been retired for two years, 78 percent of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce.
* Within 5 years of retiring, an estimated 60% of former NBA players are broke.
* By common estimates among athletes and agents, the divorce rate for pro athletes ranges from 60 percent to 80 percent.
The fact is, life is fleeting. If we devote our lives to being successful in this world, we’ll end up just like the countless pro athletes described in this study. Shortly removed from their playing careers, they find themselves broke and alone. The fairytale life they were promised clashed with the harsh realities of the world.
King Solomon, one of the wealthiest and wisest men to ever life echoed these sentiments. The book of Ecclesiastes details all of the ways he tried to find lasting happiness in this world. Ultimately, he concluded that genuine and lasting worth is found in God alone. Our lives ought to be wholly devoted to worshipping and obeying our loving Creator. Earthly fame and wealth pale in comparison to the glory of God.

What does genuine happiness look like?
▷▷How can we obtain genuine happiness?
▷▷Why do so many people search for happiness apart from God?

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