Monday, December 30, 2013

Week of 12/30-1/5: Foundations - God Gives the Rules

Day One: Exodus 34: 1-9 The LORD said to Moses, “Cut two stone tablets like the first ones, and I will write on them the words that were on the first tablets, which you broke. Be prepared by morning. Come up Mount Sinai in the morning and stand before Me on the mountaintop. No one may go up with you; in fact, no one must be seen anywhere on the mountain. Even the flocks and herds are not to graze in front of that mountain.”
Finish the story by reading 4-9 in your Bible.

HAVE YOU EVER thought about seat belt laws? Today every state in the U.S. has some sort of legal requirements for wearing a seat belt when riding in a car. What is the point of these laws? Are they simply on the books so that police officers have an additional reason for pulling someone over and generating revenue? Or is there something else in play? Consider these statistics:
* Approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year. About 50 percent (17,000) of these people could be saved if they wore their safety belts.
* For every 1 percent increase in safety belt use, 172 lives and close to $100 million in annual injury and death costs could be saved.
* Safety belts when used properly reduce the number of serious traffic injuries by 50 percent and fatalities by 60-70 percent.
* A common cause of death and injury to children in motor vehicles is being crushed by adults who are not wearing safety belts. One out of four serious injuries to passengers is caused by occupants being thrown into each other.
The point is, laws enforcing the use of seat belts are in place for the physical and financial well being of those both in the car and those who may be involved in an accident with the car. They weren’t created just so we’d have another rule to obey. They were created for our own good.
Interestingly, many people view God’s word in a similar light. They think it’s merely a book filled with do’s and don’ts to keep people in line. In reality, God’s word isn’t there to suppress our fun or take away our freedoms, it’s there to show us how to fulfill our ultimate purpose in life: glorifying the name of God. By obeying the commands of God, we are able to worship Him and bring glory to His holy name. In essence, God didn’t give His word for our oppression, but for our good and His glory!

Why do “rules” usually have a negative connotation?
▷▷How are God’s “rules” different than man’s “rules”?
▷▷Why should we seek to obey God’s “rules”?

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